I have been away from the blogging world since November and it is great to be back. Lots of travel over the holiday season, combined with no internet connection at the house, and then a cold snap that prevented me from being in the office for more than a few minutes (because it is unheated) all compounded into a two month hiatus in posting. Now that I’m back, I have SO much to show and share!
I think the two most pressing things are:
* I joined Thing-A-Day 2009, and so for the month of February I will be making one (at least) new thing every day! I hope to get pictures of them all and share them with you here… As today is the fourth, I think I will start the Thing-A-Day today, and then add in extras as make-up things.
* The other exciting thing is that I am going to open a shop on Etsy! It will be called The Dapple Apple and should be up and running by THIS Saturday, February 7, 2009! I will be selling some of my paintings, many unique jewelry designs, hats & scarf & other crocheted things. Eventually, the inventory will include prints of some drawings and maybe paintings too, along with all ot the other things I am working on making like creature tote bags, purses, and handmade pillow animals, and much more!
It has been a great two months for Richard and me. Hope you are all well and survived the holiday season…
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